B.Sc (Hons) Operation Theater Technology

Operation theatre technologists (OTT) are a fundamental part of the operation unit working with surgeons, anesthetists and theatre nurses to ensure that every single procedure is as safe and successful as possible.
The successful outcome of surgical process relies not only on the expertise of attending doctors and nurses but also on technical capacity, expertise and alertness of OTT.
College of Allied Health Sciences in addition to core clinical skills and a sound knowledge of specialized equipment and drugs provides the students with the ability to reassure and support patients emotionally through the stressful experience of surgery.
The scope of work of operation theater technologists includes Sterilizing/ Cleaning all instruments in the OT and maintaining utmost hygiene in the OT. Assisting the Doctor/ Surgeon in all equipment required for Surgery before, during and after the Surgery. Thus the OT Technologist has a critical role in the successful outcomes of operations conducted in the operation theater managed by them.