B.Sc (Hons) Nutrition

Regardless of where nutritionists work, be it a hospital, company or in private practice, dietitians and nutritionists seek to promote health and control disease through food service or nutritional programs. Planning and coordinating programs that use food and nutrition to help people manage disease and live a healthy lifestyle require that you have a background in health science along with refined skills in providing counseling and care. Whether working with individuals or a group facing a certain health risk, nutritionists offer care by advising on what foods to eat and those to avoid, leading to improved overall health.
In countries like USA, the median salary for dietitians and nutritionists is close to US $60,000 annually. Most employers require a graduate degree along with job experience in the specific area of study related to the position.
Job growth in this area is significantly higher than the national average, with a 14 percent estimated increase in opportunities between 2018 and 2028 according to HSMC. This amounts to thousands of projected job openings. This large increase is most likely due to a greater awareness of the role that food can play in preventing and treating diseases such as obesity and diabetes.
Nutritionists in addition to hospital work can also work independently in a poly clinic making diet plans. They also play a pivotal role in weight loss programs.
The faculty of the B.Sc (Hons) Nutrition program comprises of highly quailed nutritionists with post graduations in addition to the staff of our basic sciences departments.