COVID-19, Pandemic, EndoscopyAbstract
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is being declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization after its emergence from China. Body secretions including respiratory aerosols and feces and environmental surfaces exposed to these secretions are listed as the main cause of human-to-human transmission. Previous reports have strongly suggested that a significant number (29%) of COVID-19 patients were healthcare workers in the medical facilities. It is inevitable to avoid exposure to either respiratory or gastrointestinal fluids from patients during endoscopy. This presents a great risk of the infecting virus to skilled medical professionals. Various endoscopy societies and the leading organization has published a suite of recommendations based on the expert’s opinion and experiences of handling the pandemic. However, each society has also greatly emphasized to develop appropriate contingency plan on management and preventive measures based on specific resources and COVID-19 patients at each endoscopic center. Since the COVID-19 cases are continuing to rise, we aim to review the literature and compile a set of recommendations implacable in Pakistan to limit the spread of COVID-19 in endoscopic facilities. Lack of awareness, poor compliance, socio-economic factors, limitations of national health resources, and lesser resilience in the health system are key challenges. However, designing a COVID-19 response management system, preparedness and use of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can ensure zero transmission of the contagious pathogenassociated outbreak and hygienic endoscopy services without subjecting patients and staff to undue health hazards.